What is Take Five

Take Five is a national campaign offering straight-forward, impartial advice that helps prevent email, phone-based and online fraud – particularly where criminals impersonate trusted organisations.

What is Take Five

Take Five is a national campaign offering straight-forward, impartial advice that helps prevent email, phone-based and online fraud – particularly where criminals impersonate trusted organisations.

What is Take Five

Take Five is a national campaign offering straight-forward, impartial advice that helps prevent email, phone-based and online fraud – particularly where criminals impersonate trusted organisations.

What is Take Five

Take Five is a national campaign offering straight-forward, impartial advice that helps prevent email, phone-based and online fraud – particularly where criminals impersonate trusted organisations.

Loneliness and scams at Christmas: BE ON YOUR GUARD

Christmas can be a lonely and isolating time of year for many people. Unfortunately, criminals can use this against us, taking advantage of the emotions of the season to steal people’s money and information.

In our recent survey, nearly 1 in 4 people (24%) said they don’t have someone in their life that they would talk to if they thought someone was trying to scam them. Not having a trusted person in our lives to sense check things with can increase our susceptibility to fraud.


Find out more in our latest blog.


Criminals are experts at impersonating people, organisations and the police. They spend hours researching you for their scams, hoping you’ll let your guard down for just a moment. Stop and think. It could protect you and your money.


Take a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information. It could keep you safe.


Ask yourself, could it be fake? It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.


Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve been scammed and report it to Action Fraud at actionfraud.police.uk or on 0330 123 2040.

Are you scam-savvy?

Criminals are turning to more sophisticated ways to take your money, whether through online offers, emails or telephone calls. Can you outsmart them? Put your ability to spot a scam to the test with our quick quiz.

Take Five Week 2024!

Scammers can try to take advantage of how we are feeling. Sometimes, we might be more susceptible to their tactics. In the right environment, on the right day, every person is #ScamSceptible - and fraudsters know this well. That’s why we’ve created a new tool to test how ‘ScamSceptible’ you may be on any given day. Take the test now and share it with friends and family to see how you can protect yourself against fraud.

Take Five toolkit

We want organisations, businesses and individuals to be able to spread the message and get involved in the campaign so we can all help protect the nation against financial fraud. Please support Take Five and make use of the full suite of campaign materials we have on offer.

Scam warning: Criminals may purport to be from Take Five, using our official branding on websites, social media posts, literature, on the phone or by text. Take Five doesn’t provide endorsement or approval for any products/services and would never call or text anyone.